The Wright brothers created the greatest cultural force since the invention of writing: the airplane became the first World Wide Web, which brings people, languages, ideas and values

In Italfly Executive we use numerous aircraft based in Verona, Milan, Turin and Rimini to the development of our air taxi service.
Among our customers we are pleased to have some of the most prestigious industrial and financial groups of the northeast, to which we are able to offer an air taxi service timely and exclusive, thanks to the use of latest generation aircraft bioreactors and of different types, conducted by teams of highly experienced and proven professionalism.
Flying with us you will be able to reach any destination using airports often closed to regular scheduled flights and avoiding unnecessary stopovers.
Aircraft and crews are regularly subjected to strict controls imposed by European legislation and our staff is ready to answer any inquiries H24 flight to any destination.
We are ready to take care of every detail in your trip, this is an important commitment for business or a relaxing weekend at the most exclusive holiday destinations.
We operate 24 hours on 24, 7 days out of 7
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